Sunday, November 6, 2011

Finger Puppets

GiGi found something fun for her grandkids at the Houston Quilt Show last weekend: finger puppet patterns.  I'll have to get her to share the name of the artist's patterns with you.  Today she took that pattern and tweaked it to fit my son's obsession with dinosaurs.  I think she did a fabulous job and Reese was thrilled with his new "rawr-dys". 

Hair Clips

Mom's yo-yo obsession inspired me to create new hair clips for my daughter.  I bought her onesies in honor of her first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's so she now has yo-yo clips to accompany all but Halloween.  I am pleased with the way they turned out and can't wait to make more accessories with yo-yos. 

I also made myself a flower clip to wear in my friend's wedding this week.  I'll be sure to update with a picture of me on that day next weekend.